Haggling ideas for efficient shopping | WSHRW
As soon as you decide to buy some item say for example a nice stylish pair of mens inline skates, you have to develop a skill called bargaining, which is nothing but negotiation on price what the seller says. Most of the shopkeepers or the sellers have the habit of keeping more profit; if the buyer demands the lowest price, then they will start reducing the price. But few customers will buy the product for whatever the amount the seller says, in that case, it’s a loss for the buyer. Bargaining at the right place will help you to earn some penny. Yes, saving a penny is equivalent to earning a penny.
No seller is going to sell his product for loss. If he gets a profit margin only, he is going to sell for that particular price. There is nothing wrong with bargaining. Some people feel ashamed of bargaining or due to hesitation or they might be rich.
Haggling has also got some protocol to be followed. If you want to be a good bargainer, you can follow some of the ideas given below.
- Please don’t bargain for the product that you are not going to buy; it is the waste of time for both the seller as well as the buyer
- Never make the seller feel that you are interested in his product, if he comes to know that you are going to buy his product, he will never lower the price.
- Make sure that you are clear with the product you are going to buy and the price of the product. The seller should feel that you have got a better knowledge of the product and the price so that he/she cannot compromise you.
- The price of the product is going to vary from place to place. Before buying anything on tour make sure that the product is cheaper over there.
- If the seller is not ready to sell the product for the price offered by you, then you can walk away from that place. If the seller feels that price is manageable, he will call back you by feeling “Something is better than nothing”.
- If you are interested to buy an item and the price is a bit high, don’t hesitate just pay for it and take it away. There nothing wrong with it. It will cost you more money when you searching and getting that particular product.
- The price of the product that you have bought is never to be compared with others. There is no use in that, you have bought for your use and the product will be worth for the money you paid.
- There is a normal strategy that most people follow is that asking the product for half of the price offered by the seller and decided to pay for 3/4th of the original price offered by the seller.
Those are various bargaining strategies you can follow while purchasing a product to save some money. Even if have the strategies you are free to use them and have happy efficient shopping.