Wedding rings and traditions | WSHRW
Wedding rings or a wedding band is normally a finger ring which symbolizes that its holder is now married. The ring is usually made from gold, or another precious metal and traditionally formed using hot-rolled steel. You can choose from many different styles and include precious stones embedded in your wedding ring. You can even get them engraved with text.
Both men and women prefer wedding bands as they’re often made to be worn together. This makes it easier for couples to stay together, as one doesn’t have to go through the hassle of buying an engagement ring first. Some couples may actually buy two separate bands so they can wear one with the engagement ring and the other with the wedding rings. There are many styles and shapes available for the women and mens wedding ring. You can choose from simple, round or complex designs.
While promise and engagement rings typically have one band, there are some rings that come with two. The bands which come with a single band tend to be simpler and smaller than those with 2 bands. Two bands are more complicated and can be easily matched together. Most of these types of rings are generally designed to have the text engraved on one side while the band around it is typically made of white metal. The text will usually appear on top of the white band, or close to it. Your preferences will determine the type of text that you would like to see on your ring.
Wedding rings tend to be chosen based upon how they look on the person wearing them. However, some people wear their engagement and wedding bands interchangeably. Many people wear their engagement rings whenever they are wearing their wedding rings.
Women who have an engagement or wedding band on their fourth finger, also known as “ring finger”, prefer to wear the rings directly on their fourth finger. The rationale behind this is that the ring is worn in such a position that the ring is hidden when it is not being worn. If the ring is worn too high up on the finger, many women feel as though a small amount of pressure is exerted on the finger and this can cause a very slight amount of discomfort.
A wedding ring could only be exchanged if the groom had promised his love for and faithfulness to his bride for a certain period. The exchange of rings takes place before the wedding. In order to express his love for his bride, the groom might present him with flowers. This is why the exchange of rings has been a tradition throughout history.