WSHRW calls on the Member States of the Council not to appeal the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Agreement on the liberalization of agricultural and fishery products between the EU and Morocco | WSHRW
WSHRW calls on the members of the Council of the European Union to abide by the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of December 10, 2015, which annuls the application to Western Sahara of the trade agreement for agricultural and fishery products between the Union European and Morocco.
This judgment corroborates all the UN resolutions on Western Sahara, regarding its status as a Moroccan-occupied territory that exercises an administration without any international mandate, and regarding its legitimate representative, the Polisario Front, as contemplated by international law. .
We have always observed with amazement that in the successive commercial, political or strategic agreements of the European Commission with Morocco, these very evident principles of international law have been ignored, showing no political will to respect them, principles that fortunately have been taken into account in the general practice of the European Union as is the case of the recently approved directive of the European Commission of November 11, 2015 for the labeling of products from the Israeli colonies in territories occupied in 1967 and which also affects a very important for European security. A double standard in the practice of the European Union that the European Court of Justice has just corrected.
We understand that the European Union seeks commercial or strategic agreements with third countries that guarantee the good neighborliness and security of the Member States, but no State, no matter how important its strategic collaboration is, has the right to make a caricature of the constitutive principles and the European Union law. Such is the case of Morocco, which demands that the European Union in practice violate international law in this strategic relationship, an action incompatible with its constitutive principles that negatively affects its credibility as an international actor defending human and peoples’ rights.
We make this call to comply with the judgment of said court that we address to all member states of the European Union not only as an association for the defense of Human Rights in Western Sahara but also because many of its components, who are European citizens, are scandalized. that community institutions ridicule basic principles that are deeply rooted in European culture.
The appeal of this sentence is in itself an act contrary to the position that the European Union claims to defend for the Western Sahara dispute “a mutually acceptable political solution that provides the self-determination of the Saharawi people within the framework of the principles of the United Nations. United ”because in addition to the confirmed legal doctrine, this c ruling creates a political scenario that facilitates dialogue and negotiation between the parties within the framework of the UN that the European Union in its resolutions claims to support.
It is difficult, with this type of practice, we can educate the next generations in accordance with the principles established in the
Delors report “education constitutes an indispensable instrument for humanity to progress towards the ideals of peace, freedom and
social justice, and a way to service of a human and harmonious development, which may contribute to the reduction of poverty, misunderstandings, injustice, inequalities, oppression and war ”.
Let us not contribute from the European institutions to turn the European project into a decadent entelechy.
For all these reasons, we request that, in coherence with the principles of the EU as member states, they oppose the appeal of this Judgment.